Tag: QE3

Big News This Week Gives Stocks A Boost
The excitement building for this week turned out to be much ado about nothing, but I don’t think investors are complaining. Earlier in the week, I wrote about how major events this week could spark significant market movement. Keep in mind, we had two extremely important global situations playing out. On one hand, the Greek […]

Is Gold Headed To $2,000?
Last week was an encouraging one for stocks. In fact, it was the best week of the year for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which climbed a solid 3.6%. No doubt investors breathed a deep sigh of relief, finally having a moderately bullish week. However, as heartening as the rally was in stocks, the more […]

Central Banks To The Rescue!
That sound you hear is a huge, collective sigh of relief from investors after finally seeing a substantial rally in the market. The Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq all jumped over 2% yesterday. Whats more, the major indices have regained most of what they lost after last Fridays disastrous jobs report and ensuing selloff. So […]

Can The Fed Save The Market?
Well, this hasnt been the May most investors hoped for. In fact, its been pretty much an unmitigated disaster. For a good point of reference on how painful May has been so far, just look at the S&P 500. The bellwether index has essentially gone from 1,400 to 1,300 in two weeks. Ouch. The pummeling […]

Battle Ground QE3!
Its with all due respect for my esteemed colleague Gordon Lewis that I challenge his take on QE3. Now, Ill be the first to admit, Gordon has a much stronger macroeconomic background than I. But that doesnt change the fact that hes wrong on this one. Let me explain In his March 29th article, Gordon […]

QE3 Is Back On The Table
Remember, not that long ago, when I said QE3 was still a possibility? Well, it may happen even sooner that I thought. In case you missed it, heres a quick refresher A few weeks back, the Fed seemed to indicate there was enough economic improvement to shelve QE3 for the time being. Mostly, the employment […]

Why Gold Is Heading Lower
Golds had an epic bull run over the past seven years. The precious metal rallied from just $400 an ounce, to reach a high of over $1,900 in September of 2011 a gain of over 380%! But to quote literary legend Robert Frost, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. And so […]

Is There Any Chance For QE3?
The stock markets been on a nice run lately. Volatility is way down and investor confidence is on the rise. However, the relatively tame market is masking some significant, fundamental shifts at the macro level. As always, much of the most important economic news stems from the Fed. And just this week, Bernanke and the […]

QE3? Time To Buy Penny Stocks
2012 could very well be a breakthrough year for penny stocks. Were entering what I like to call a win-win period for small companies. On one hand, the economy looks to be improving. Jobless claims are trending downward, confidence is ticking higher, and inflation is in check. If it holds, this year could be the […]

Should You Buy Penny Stocks In A Struggling Economy?
With last Fridays absolutely dismal jobs report, it may seem like a double-dip recession is a foregone conclusion. At the very least, it seems clear the economy is not going to set any growth records anytime soon. When the August employment report shows zero job growth, its hard to be optimistic about the future. And a bleak […]