Stocks To Avoid

7 F-Rated Penny Stocks Not Worth The Gamble
When everything is on sale, it’s tough to figure out what’s a bargain. And that’s where penny stocks get so much attention in markets like this. We’re in a stock pickers’ market right now. Sectors are being sold off by institutional investors as the domestic and global economies try to gain their footings. Remember the […]

7 Small-Cap Stocks That Are Not Worth A Second Glance
Not all small-cap stocks are doing well, even with the market hitting new highs Sure, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are at record highs. But that doesn’t mean all the stocks in the stock market are doing well. There are over 3,700 stocks that are traded on U.S. exchanges. And those two indexes only cover […]

Steer Clear Of These Three Popular Closed-End Funds
With my focus on higher yield investments, I often receive questions about various closed-end funds, often referred to as CEFs. CEFs are actively managed investment pools with shares that trade on the stock exchanges. A lot of these funds carry very attractive yields. The danger is that this is an asset class where it is […]

This Is One Of The Riskiest High-Yield Investments I Have Ever Come Across
With my Dividend Hunter service, I provide a list of high-yield investments that I have deeply researched, and my analysis provides an attractive combination of current yield and dividend stability. As a high-yield stock expert, I often get asked questions about other stocks or investments that are not on my recommended list. Sometimes a question will […]

7 Penny Marijuana Stocks That Are NOT Cheap Stocks
These marijuana stocks are penny stocks, but don’t be fooled The allure of investing in penny stocks can be quite strong. Every investor has dreams of putting a few thousand dollars in a penny stock and becoming a millionaire when it goes to $100 per share. But you need to be careful. Things aren’t always […]

4 Marijuana Penny Stocks That Could ‘Double’
Grandma always said ‘if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is’ We all know that legal cannabis markets are booming and pot is increasingly being accepted into our society. There seem to be countless advertisements courting subscribers to this or that service for marijuana penny stocks that have, allegedly, doubled or […]

Meals On Wheels… And Losses On-Demand
On June 29, 2017, meal-delivery firm Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: APRN) IPO’d at $10 per share. Today, shares have collapsed to just $2. What gives? The company’s business is simple: It delivers pre-portioned, ready-to-cook ingredients (with recipes) to customers’ homes. And if you like a tipple with your meals, it offers Blue Apron Wine delivery, too. Alas, […]

8 Companies That Could Disappear By 2019
One way or another, something’s got to give for these organizations — and soon Even with the market pullback earlier this month, stocks have rarely been more fun to own. Between the energy sector’s turnaround, a major infrastructure spending plan and the upside of sweeping tax cuts for businesses, it feels like nobody can lose. […]

3 Stocks To Sell Under Trump’s New Tax Law
It seems like most U.S. financial media cannot quit gushing about the new tax laws. The coverage is universally positive – I’m waiting to hear that the tax cut will cure the common cold. However, the media ignores the fact that some companies will end up paying higher tax bills. All thanks to the provision […]

Don’t Buy INSYS Therapeutics (INSY) In 2018
As more states relax the regulation for the recreational use of marijuana, investors are eager to look for opportunities in this budding sector. But we should look closely at the reality of using marijuana for medical purposes and other products. Companies related to the growing or distribution of cannabis products do have positive prospects for […]