Commodity Stocks

The Future Is Natural Gas
Because of the cyclical nature of business and industries, there are always solid investment opportunities to be found. All it requires is a little time and research. It’s especially true if the investor has a long-term time horizon to work with. That being said, my personal favorite medium to long-term opportunity is in natural gas. […]

Now’s Not The Time To Ignore Commodities
As the end of the year approaches, experts are weighing in on what’s in store for the stock market. How will the holiday season impact retail stocks this season? Will the fiscal cliff issues get resolved in time? How will Europe hold up? While all these questions are important for stock investors to mull over, […]

Whats The Better Investment, Food Or Gold?
Its easy to find reasons to buy gold. After all, just about every pundit on TV or in print can give you a list of reasons why investing in gold is good. Of course, we all know by now that gold is one of the most important safe-haven investments. Its a good hedge against inflation, […]

Whats The Deal With Natural Gas?
If youve been following commodities this year, then youre probably familiar with the story of natural gas. After a very long drop starting last year, natural gas prices finally reversed this April. Since then, the commodity has mostly been hovering just under $3.00 per unit. The steady decline from $4.00 was significant in that it […]

Which Is The Better Investment: Gold Or Oil?
Its been an intriguing year for commodities. Over the summer, corn and other grains dominated the headlines with record high prices due to a historically severe drought. Natural gas also has gotten a lot of attention after finally reversing its steep drop. But, no commodities are more widely followed than gold and oil. As you […]

Are Commodities In A Bull Market?
The stock market has been on a nice run lately. So, investors may not realize just how well commodities have been doing in recent weeks. In fact, commodities may just be in a full out bull market right now. A good benchmark for the commodities market is the iPath DJ-UBS Commodity Index ETN (DJP). For […]

This Skyrocketing Commodity Can Lead To Profits
It’s been a rough week for the stock market, but that doesn’t mean every asset class is taking punishment. In fact, unlike in May, commodities are actually on the rise. While we’re still waiting for a big move in metals, energy and agricultural commodities have seen nice gains in recent weeks. In particular, grains have […]

Reading Alcoas Earnings Report
Its official, earnings season is here and the first round of second quarter results were just posted. The main event on Monday was clearly Alcoa (AA). The festivities kicked off with the aluminum industry giant delivering their results after yesterdays closing bell. You can be sure most analysts and talking heads werent expecting Alcoa to […]

This Commodity Is About To Take Off
As hard as stocks have been hit the past several weeks, commodities have fared even worse. Several key commodities are down substantially for the year, including crude oil, natural gas, and corn. However, one commodity is setting up for what could be an impressive move higher. Ill give you a hint its a metal. […]

This Commodity’s Plunge Can Lead To Big Profits
Last week may have been a tough week for stocks, but its been a miserable couple months for commodities. In fact, commodities are down over 20% from their 52-week highs. And, theyve pretty much gone straight down in May. Whats more, the damage is across the board. Virtually all the major commodities have taken a […]