Solar Stocks

Chinese Solar Stocks Are Plunging!
A couple of weeks ago, I warned you that high flying Chinese solar stocks were poised for a fall. It was all but certain the European Union would impose anti-dumping sanctions on these companies in early June. And as a result, I urged you to lock in your gains on these stocks immediately. Hopefully, you […]

Time To Lock In Gains On Chinese Solar Stocks?
If you bet on solar stocks at the end of 2012, you’re feeling pretty smart right about now. Stocks in this beaten down industry have been soaring off the chart in 2013. Take a look at the Guggenheim Solar ETF (NASDAQ: TAN) for example. TAN has exploded from just under $16 per share at the […]

What A Billion Dollars Will Buy You
In 2012, China continues making major alternative energy investments. Keeping an eye to the future, Chinese leaders understand that fossil fuel supplies will become constrained. So an alternative energy investment now is a smart play on their part. To meet their goals, China is laying their bet on the solar industry Chinese government officials have […]

A Real Energy Buy Versus A Hyped Up Hopeful
For months now, the price of oil consistently is trading over $100 a barrel and prices only look to get more expensive as time marches on and supplies dwindle. With this dirty energy supply sustaining a high price, consumers will be looking for cheaper, cleaner energy alternatives. As a result, many investors are seeking to […]

How To Play The Top Sector Of 2011 Using Penny Stocks
2011 has been a wild year in the stock market. Over the past year, weve seen huge swings in the major averages. And after all of the volatility, the major averages are plus or minus just a few percent. However, theres one sector set to not only beat the overall market averages, but every other […]

The Solar Industry Has Hit Rock Bottom
While its been a tough year for stocks in general, for solar stocks, its been even worse. To put it bluntly, the solar industry has gotten demolished in recent months. The Guggenheim Solar ETF (TAN), the most popular solar ETF, is down a whopping 62% year to date. And at a current price of $2.76 […]

Avoid These Penny Stocks Heading For Bankruptcy
You know, I like nothing better than to look back at a big winner in my account. Theres no better feeling than watching one of your small investments grow, and grow, and grow. The problem is you dont learn a lot. See, one of the ways to become a better penny stock trader is to […]

Penny Stocks On The Move: Evergreen Solar (ESLR)
Although its been going through a rough patch lately, the solar industry is thought to be one of the up and coming investment plays. Supposedly, savvy investors are buying solar companies searching for the next big thing in alternative energy. Well, those investors were dealt a blow this week if they owned Evergreen Solar (ESLR). […]

On The Move: Renewable Energy
Its been an active week in the markets seems like theres even more going on than normal. Lots of major economic news is being released. And theres the European debt crisis rearing its ugly head. But perhaps the most interesting action is taking place in the energy sector. Energy stocks across the board are on […]

This Is So Hot, You Could Fry An Egg On It!
If youve ever visited Arizona during the summer, you know how hot it gets. People living here tell their friends we have Dry Heat, in an attempt to make it sound bearable. Lets face it, no matter how dry it is, when it hits 115 degrees outside its just hotter than Hades. And keeping the […]