Tag: invest

Saving And Investing Just One Dollar Per Day
Can saving and investing just $1 per day add up to significant wealth? Yes. Yes, it can. Look, I saved and invested well over 50% of my net income for six years straight so that I could achieve financial freedom and retire in my early 30s. It’s been an amazing journey. Now that I’m living […]

11 Money Myths That Make Success Hard To Find
Everyone wants to make more money, but sometimes commonly held myths will make you fearful for reaching out and getting the extra cash you desire. Read on for 11 common money myths that you need to banish from your life forever to open up the path to success. Money Is Evil You’ve probably heard that […]

6 Key Principles For Building Wealth
Do you understand how money works? We buy stuff and we sell stuff using money. It seems pretty simple, right? If money is so simple, why do the bottom 50% of Americans have a combined negative net worth?! If you’re not entirely sure what your own net worth is, you’re going to want to continue reading. What […]

AI Stocks: Here’s Your Chance To Make 100 Times Your Money
Just like conventional software drove some elite firms to 100X-plus stock gains, AI will do the same There’s an old business joke about a down-and-out entrepreneur who is asked how he went bankrupt. “Gradually,” he replies. “Then suddenly.” So much of the change in our lives is of the “gradually, then suddenly” variety. A long […]

10 Unique Habits Of Rich People
Financially successful people can get treated pretty harshly in society, especially by those that have less than them. Moguls like Donald Trump are the wealthy elite that people love to hate. The reason is usually rooted in jealousy and those that hate are convinced the rich live a luxurious life at the expense of the […]

First-Time Investors: 7 Steps To Getting Started
Here’s a tip to help you become rich: you need to start investing in stocks to enhance your earnings and generate long-term wealth. The monthly salary from your job is essential, but how you invest that money is critical for achieving financial freedom. You can only work while you are awake and in the office. However, […]

A 5 Step Plan To Investing Success
So here you are, on the precipice of greatness, and you have no idea how to be great. Makes that precipice look awfully daunting, doesn’t it? Don’t look down, only look ahead. If you have followed basic personal finance advice so far, you are probably out of debt (other than your mortgage) and you have […]

Universal Personal Finance Rules
Ever heard of the saying, the more we’re different, the more we’re the same. This applies to our personal finance situation too. All of us want to feel financially secure. If we have kids, all of us want to provide for our kids. All of us are willing to take a certain amount of risk, […]

The Five Apps Every Investor Needs In 2019
When it comes to financing, we’re well and truly in a digital world, and when it comes to technology, it moves quicker than almost anything else. Investors really do need to be continually keeping with the times if they’re going to maximize their opportunity to profit and these days much of it can be done […]

10 Simple Financial Concepts That Have A Huge Impact
Today’s post is contributed by Marc, who runs the personal finance blog Vital Dollar. Marc has been working online full-time since 2008, running blogs and sites in a variety of different industries like web design, photography, and travel. When it comes to money and financial topics, there is no shortage of advice and available reading material. […]

Nio Is Off To A Hot Start: Here Is Why You Should Avoid It
Nio is a new public offering for investors and so far, the stock has had a wild ride. Just like with Sonos, which I wrote about recently, Nio looks great from afar, but once you start digging into this company, you see red flags everywhere. Still, many investors will ignore these red flags because they see […]