Bank Stocks

Buy Penny Stocks The Right Way
Want to buy penny stocks the right way? Work on your patience and sharpen your focus. It takes a special kind of investor to consistently make money in the market, no matter what kind of stocks you’re trading. The successful penny stock investor will enjoy more success with the right combination of patience and courage. […]

Should Bankers Get Bonuses?
I recently read a fascinating article by Nassim Taleb. In case youre not familiar with Taleb, hes the author of The Black Swan, a book about the extreme impact of rare and unpredictable events. The book became famous due to the Financial Crisis of 2008. Taleb essentially laid out how banks were going to screw […]

Dont Buy Charles Schwab, Buy JMP Group Instead!
Recently, I had a long conversation with a close friend who used to work at Charles Schwab (SCHW). Today, Schwab is one of the nations largest brokerage, banking, and asset management firms. In fact, they currently hold over $1.4 trillion dollars of client assets. But as the story continued, I shook my head as I […]

Dont Buy Regions Financial, Buy Advance America Instead!
Over the past several years, our economy has really changed. Unemployment is at all time highs and incomes are down forcing struggling consumers to borrow more than ever. But because of credit tightening in the financial markets, bank loans have become almost impossible to get. Easy to get loans have evaporated forever. So how can consumers […]

Run From This Bank!
I always keep a close eye on the real estate market. Its a prime indicator of how our economys really doing. And last week, we got some disappointing news from Zillow. Home prices fell 3% in the first quarter, the biggest decline since 2008. The recession just keeps grinding along. But we repeatedly hear the […]
Is Another Recession Coming?
Last week, I wrote about QE3 and its potential impact on the market. If the Fed announces another round of stimulus at this weeks FOMC meeting, stocks could be off to the races. I also mentioned a European bank/government rescue plan as another major catalyst for a stock market rally. Sure enough, right after I […]
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