Brad Hartung
Brad Hartung is the author of The Speculator’s Handbook and the blog, Small Cap Pirate. He specializes in making sound investment decisions in stocks that have the potential to significantly grow in value like biotech and junior resource mining.
Brad Hartung's Latest Posts

A Plan Coming Together
An A-Team Biotech Stock Fans of the 80’s TV show “The A-Team” will remember George Peppard’s character, Hanibal, as the leader of the rebellious group of military misfits. At least once a show, he would stick a cigar in his mouth and say, “I love it when a plan comes together.” His face would light […]

It Is All About The Benjamin
During times of a frothy bull market or a crushing bear market, journalists and analysts call for a return of evaluating stocks based on their inherent value. Rather than price a stock at what people think it will be worth in the future or what people think the price should be if everything is perfect, […]

The Real Secret Behind The Secret Investment Tip
Recently on several other websites, a “secret investment method” was revealed. The beauty of this secret is that it worked every time in the past. Impressive since it did not require knowledge of algorithms or how to read a MACD, RSI, or Bollinger Bands chart. The only thing it required was the ability to look […]

The One Hit Wonder
How connected are you? If you take away Facebook friends and second & third degree Twitter connections, how many influential people do you know? I have met a couple of famous athletes and entertainers. I have even had meetings with mutual fund managers (the dullest people on earth). I know a few movers and shakers […]

Badges Of Honor For Biotech Penny Stocks
I started as a financial advisor in October 1999. It was a pretty easy sales job. Every morning my computer screen turned green at the opening bell and every stock was broker-proof. Any stock pick made to clients or prospects eventually turned higher. The gains were so quick that a broker could legally churn an […]

How Outsiders Can Invest Like Insiders
The best reason to invest in penny stocks is that they are tough to measure by computerized methods like algorithms, stochastics, MACD, and RSI. They are even tougher to evaluate by P/E, price-to-book, price earnings growth, and so on. When money is made in penny stocks, it is more the result of making good decisions […]

The Less You Know The Better
Over the weekend, I heard a quote by legendary Silicon Investor Peter Thiel. He was asked where investors should invest now. It was a timely question because precious metals have been on a tear, unicorns in like Uber are sprouting up like mushrooms after a heavy rain, and Silicon Valley real estate is shooting up […]

If You Missed The Big Move In Gold, Get A Second Chance With Uranium
What were you doing in mid-January? Watching football? Skiing? Doing your taxes? The most profitable use of your time on January 14-19 would have been to place a trade for the shares of a gold or silver mining stock… just about any gold or silver mining stock. Just a few mouse clicks or a few […]

A Really Weird Way To Invest In Gold
Investors can choose from bullion, collectible coins, mining claims, futures contracts, stocks, warrants, and more if they want to profit from price gains in gold. But the most spectacular gains may come from the shares of a tiny retail jewelry store in Texas. A lot of time can be spent researching gold investments to discover […]

Are You A Contrarian? Test Yourself With This Stock
The biggest gains in the stock market go to those who have the discipline to invest when everyone else is in panic mode. In other words, be a contrarian. An old stock market adage states, “Real wealth is created by the steady accumulation of an asset when its outlook is the bleakest.” Right now the […]

Be Smarter Than the Smartest Investors
A couple times a year the biotech sector gives the retail investor the chance to look smarter than the “smart money” investor. That is, the retail investor can pick up shares of a promising biotech company at a better price than what the institutional investor paid. The institutional investor spent a lot of time and […]