Tag: quantitative easing

Will QE3 Save The Market?
The event-driven market rollercoaster continues to roll on. There’s so much going in the world right now, it’s hard to figure out what to pay attention to. We have major companies releasing earnings, domestic economic news, Spanish bond auctions, Greek bailout politics, and Chinese economic data, just to name a few. However, there are two […]

Can The Fed Save The Market?
Well, this hasnt been the May most investors hoped for. In fact, its been pretty much an unmitigated disaster. For a good point of reference on how painful May has been so far, just look at the S&P 500. The bellwether index has essentially gone from 1,400 to 1,300 in two weeks. Ouch. The pummeling […]

Should Investors Be Concerned About The Economy?
The last week or so has been a bit disappointing in terms of economic news. Lately, weve gotten used to pretty steady positive news on the economy especially in regard to the job market. So, the recent negative news seems to have spooked investors a little. The question is, should investors be concerned about […]

QE3 Is Back On The Table
Remember, not that long ago, when I said QE3 was still a possibility? Well, it may happen even sooner that I thought. In case you missed it, heres a quick refresher A few weeks back, the Fed seemed to indicate there was enough economic improvement to shelve QE3 for the time being. Mostly, the employment […]

Why Gold Is Heading Lower
Golds had an epic bull run over the past seven years. The precious metal rallied from just $400 an ounce, to reach a high of over $1,900 in September of 2011 a gain of over 380%! But to quote literary legend Robert Frost, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. And so […]

Is There Any Chance For QE3?
The stock markets been on a nice run lately. Volatility is way down and investor confidence is on the rise. However, the relatively tame market is masking some significant, fundamental shifts at the macro level. As always, much of the most important economic news stems from the Fed. And just this week, Bernanke and the […]

Will Operation Twist Impact Penny Stocks?
Is everyone ready to do the Twist? Operation Twist that is. The Fed announced their highly anticipated monetary program, known as Operation Twist, just this week. The strategys colorful name comes from its goal of twisting the yield curve. To put it more plainly, the Fed plans to sell short-term Treasuries and use the proceeds […]

Was QE2 A Waste Of Time?
The Feds QE2 program is destined to become one of the most talked about economic policies of our generation. The debate on whether or not the program was necessary, and what impact it had, will probably rage on for years. So what do we really know about QE2? And more importantly, was it a waste […]