Penny Stock Tips

Penny Stock Pitfalls
The stock market typically gains in value. The average rate of return for the past 60 years is about 10% With a total value of over $31 trillion, the stock market certainly isnt going anywhere any time soon. Although experiencing great gains, even accounting for recessions, depressions and other setbacks, the stock market as a […]

Types of Penny Stock Fraud
While the definition of penny stock has not been established with completely certainty and accuracy by anyone, penny stocks do tend to have certain defining characteristics. Most of the time, they trade below $5 per share, although not every stock with a price this low can be considered a penny stock. They also tend to […]

Penny Stocks as Sources of Income in the Stock Market
Penny stocks are often misunderstood by small-time investors. Often seen as a great get-rich-quick plan, they are just as often path to getting rich poor. When investing in the stock market, there are two ultimate sources of income. That is, there are two main places from which a given investor gets his money. The first […]

Using Penny Stocks to Make Money
The stock market is a great way to beat inflation. Inflation is the reason that keeping money under a mattress is a poor way to save. Assuming this is a safe place to keep money (which it actually isnt), the real problem with storing money in a non-interest bearing vehicle is that it doesnt just […]

What Influences the Price of Penny Stocks?
The best penny stocks to buy are often not the cheapest, fastest rising or even the one with the best track record in the past. In fact sometimes the best penny stock to buy is no penny stock. Penny stocks are a different animal from regular stocks, and have the potential for great gains or […]

Two Reasons to Avoid Penny Stocks
Penny stocks, to the uninitiated, might seem like an awesome way to make money quickly. After all, they are cheap, and have the potential for astronomical growth. Also, it is true that many people really have made a huge amount of money buying and selling penny stocks. However, just because someone makes money buying and […]

Does A Takeover Of American Airlines Make US Airways A Buy?
There was some interesting news last week from the airline industry. Since many investors shy away from volatile airline stocks, you may not have seen this. Apparently, US Airways (LCC) is discussing a possible takeover plan with American Airlines. Keep in mind, American recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. What a crazy change of fortunes […]

Is A Correction Coming For Penny Stocks?
The odds of a stock market correction are growing with each passing day. But it may not be time just yet Unless your heads been in the sand, youd know about the big surge in the major stock market averages over the past two plus months. In fact, the S&P 500 is up over 7% […]

Unusual Volume In Penny Stocks Can Lead To Profits
Regular readers of my column know that I often highlight big penny stock movers. Sometimes these big movers provide opportunity for profits. Other times, theyre just interesting stories and case studies. Heres the thing I often get asked why I talk about the big movers now that theyve already moved. In many cases, the chance […]

Stay Away From This Recent IPO
Ive spent a fair amount of time discussing the positive side of IPOs. For instance, I recently wrote how the upcoming Facebook IPO is going to be a huge deal both for the company itself and for other social media stocks. But what happens if an IPO isnt such a good thing? What if the […]

Tame Inflation Is Great News For Penny Stocks
I have a confession to make. Im a huge fan of monetary policy. Its true. As a student of macroeconomic policy, I get really excited about the ins and outs of central banking and the implementation of monetary policy. You see, if monetary policy is done correctly, it can have a significant, positive impact on […]