Tag: silver

Silver Mining Stocks And Zombies…
Zombies From Silver And Silver Mining Stocks What do zombies, counterfeiting, and precious metal prices all have in common? A crazy question right… well stick with me. They all have silver in common. So far this year, our friend silver has been involved with some pretty interesting happenings. Research published in Scientific Reports found some […]

Whats Next For Silver?
Its been a fascinating year for silver. The precious metal has been one of the most popular topics among investors in a year full of interesting topics. Year to date, the price of silver has been as high as $50 an ounce, and as low as $26. Thats quite a range. Not to mention, in […]

Stocks In This Industry Could Double!
In early April, Newmont Mining (NEM) completed a very important acquisition but nobody seemed to be paying attention. Newmont, for those of you who dont know, is one of the largest gold mining companies in the world. They have operations throughout North and South America as well as Australia and Indonesia. They employ more than […]