Tag: JinkoSolar (JKS)

Are These Stocks Still A Buy?
Once in a while, I like to look back on recommendations Ive made in the past to see how theyre doing. One such recommendation I came across from last May seems to be doing rather well. What did I recommend? Buy energy stocks of course. Heres what I wrote- Even after an almost 20% climb […]

What A Billion Dollars Will Buy You
In 2012, China continues making major alternative energy investments. Keeping an eye to the future, Chinese leaders understand that fossil fuel supplies will become constrained. So an alternative energy investment now is a smart play on their part. To meet their goals, China is laying their bet on the solar industry Chinese government officials have […]

Must Buy Penny Stock Picks: 1 For Obama, 1 For Romney
Finally, the Presidential campaigning ends today. Hooray! I am so excited well have the elections finalized tonight. And Im sure youll agree with me, Ive had more than my fair share of negative campaign ads to last me a lifetime. The good news is, once the last of the polls close tonight, investors will finally […]