How A Stock Market Education Can Make You More Money In The Next Year
Stock Market Education
How To Make More Money Next Year!
I graduated from high school years ago
I shudder to think that I now measure the time in decades. But regardless of the distance, there are always memories that stick with you for some reason or another.
After the graduation ceremony, I remember talking with my grandfather. Always a man of wisdom, he pointed out the fact that learning is a lifelong objective. (He just turned 97 a few days ago and theres still so much to learn!)
I knew I was going to college, so my education would continue but I had no idea what he really meant.
As I look at my personal education over the last few years, its shocking how much Ive learned and how much more Ive got to learn.
Education doesnt end when you graduate school theres always more to learn, to understand, and much more to grasp.
And thats what I tell every trader and investor I meet youve got to get a stock market education any way you can.
The Expensive Way To A Stock Market Education
You can get an education a number of ways
To get an education, you can attend classes, do home study, attend seminars, apprentice with someone, read books and magazines on a subject, watch videos, hire a coach or personal trainer
The education options are endless.
But for some reason, most people who start trading penny stocks pick the most expensive way to their stock market education.
They try to learn from trial and error.
Not only is this incredibly inefficient, its also super expensive and kind of dumb.
As a trader or investor in penny stocks, you can lose hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of dollars on a single trade. A simple mistake can have a devastating impact on your account.
Which is why I just dont understand why people dont get better educated.
Inexpensive (Even Free) Ways To A Stock Market Education
Did you know you can get a great stock market education for free?
All it takes is time and dedication.
If you want to learn to trade penny stocks, start by following the markets. Start following the markets ups and downs then start researching different industries that catch your interest.
Sign up for a few free e-letters like the Penny Stock Research newsletter. Its free and we send you interesting information and lessons about the markets.
Once youve been reading and reading and reading head over to and start ordering a few books about traders in the market.
Theres hundreds, if not thousands, of books available and youll learn all about trading strategies, styles, and techniques.
Once you have a grasp on the different techniques out there, consider identifying a few of your favorite stocks and read up on them. Learn to do due diligence. Identify your favorite sources of information and figure out what to look at and what to ignore.
Then start listening in on the quarterly reports and calls from management teams. Often times, conference calls with management are held every 90 days to discuss the company and its results. Its incredible what you can learn there!
Now youre ready to start trading penny stocks start PAPER TRADING penny stocks that is.
Whats paper trading?
Its when you set up a spreadsheet and track the stocks youd like to buy and sell. You dont actually make the trade, but you track it like you did.
All of a sudden youll be presented with a bunch of different experiences stocks will rise and fall earnings and news will get better or worse youll be facing a lot of different questions and have to make some important decisions.
Paper trading is an education in and of itself.
Once youre comfortable (in 5 or 6 years), you can start trading real money!
Why so long? Because markets move and change if you only paper trade in an up market, you wont see what its like in a down market thats why it take years of experience to get a good education in the stock market.
More Ways To A Stock Market Education
There are still other ways to a good education
Sign up for some paid newsletters and follow the guidance and research the editor provides. Yes, we sell premium newsletters on our site but dont just sign up for ours sign up for a bunch and consider the expense part of your education.
Have you seen what it costs to go to college these days?
The numbers are in the tens of thousands of dollars a year for top quality schools. Compare that to a low cost newsletter for less than a hundred bucks and youll find we provide lots of value!
Look, even if you dont sign up for my newsletter, do get yourself educated.
Pay someone to teach you. If you have a friend or family member whos savvy with penny stock investing, ask them to be a mentor. Read everything you can get your hands on and watch the markets every day.
Over time, youll see patterns and have experiences that repeat. Youll have big wins and some failures (everyone does).
Learn from those experiences and learn from others. Dont go it alone and get the best stock market education you can and I guarantee, youll make more money next year.
Brian Kent
Penny Stock Research
Brian Kent has been trading the markets for more than 2 decades and now writes and edits for You can sign up for the newsletter and get a free research report – We are a trusted source for the truth about penny stocks!
Category: Penny Stock Tips