Tag: SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)

Why Small-caps Will Win Over Large-caps

Why Small-caps Will Win Over Large-caps

| October 17, 2014

Editor’s Note:  Today we want to share an interesting article with you about the big stocks vs small stocks argument.  The article was originally published about three weeks ago… and while the markets are down a bit since then, i believe this original argument is still valid!  Give it a read and let me know […]

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One Sly Move To Outperform The Market…

One Sly Move To Outperform The Market…

| August 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

There’s nothing sneaky or sly about how to beat the S&P 500 average – simply invest in penny stocks.  It’s a well known fact that small and micro cap stocks most times lead rallies to new highs. But right now is a tough time to call which way the market is headed… We’ll talk about […]

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