Tag: Small Cap Index

Six Small-Cap Points For 2017 And Beyond
Co-CIO Francis Gannon on what worked best in small-cap in 2017 and what investors should be looking at as we enter the post-tax-reform world. 4Q17 Gave Us More of the Same… In 2017’s final quarter, the U.S. markets extended the performance pattern that characterized the first three quarters of the year: Small-cap growth beat value, large-cap beat small-cap, and […]

A Most Wonderful Year For Small-Caps
We believe we have turned the page on the 2011-2015 period in which financial markets behaved in such odd ways, and expect a strong multi-year period for thoughtful and disciplined small-cap active management. By any measure, 2016 was a terrific year for small-cap stocks, one that featured a double-digit positive return for the Russell 2000 […]

Here’s Proof You Make MORE MONEY Trading Penny Stocks
Finally, Proof You Can Make Money Trading Penny Stocks Like most of you, I voraciously consume information about the markets. Aside from my online subscriptions, I also watch the financial news networks, read online blogs, and subscribe to dozens of magazines about the markets and different industries. Often this is fun reading… confirming what I […]