Tag: money

6 Steps To Strengthen Your Personal Finances Today
Is your money working for you? Really, truly, working on your behalf? If you’ve yet to take any of these six steps to strengthen your personal finances, you can’t honestly answer that question in the affirmative. In other words, you’re leaving money on the table every day you leave this list incomplete. The good news: […]

11 Money Myths That Make Success Hard To Find
Everyone wants to make more money, but sometimes commonly held myths will make you fearful for reaching out and getting the extra cash you desire. Read on for 11 common money myths that you need to banish from your life forever to open up the path to success. Money Is Evil You’ve probably heard that […]

6 Key Principles For Building Wealth
Do you understand how money works? We buy stuff and we sell stuff using money. It seems pretty simple, right? If money is so simple, why do the bottom 50% of Americans have a combined negative net worth?! If you’re not entirely sure what your own net worth is, you’re going to want to continue reading. What […]

Risk And Fast Profit
We live in a fast world today. Everybody is driven by the need for money and they are always looking for the fastest way to make a profit. And you cannot deny their wish. There is this popular opinion that everything is achievable with the right amount of money. A lot of people made themselves very […]

10 Unique Habits Of Rich People
Financially successful people can get treated pretty harshly in society, especially by those that have less than them. Moguls like Donald Trump are the wealthy elite that people love to hate. The reason is usually rooted in jealousy and those that hate are convinced the rich live a luxurious life at the expense of the […]

10 Things You Need To Know Before You Spend Money
Spending money. Art or Science? Logical or emotional? There’s much more to spending than just bringing out money. To spend money means you decided to spend. According to research, most adults make thousands of decisions daily. It’s obvious that a good number of them will have to do with what to spend money on. Spending money is […]