Tag: investor

The Relationship Between Risk And Reward
You’ve heard the adage “no risk, no reward,” but is this theory really founded in sage investment advice? Actually, yes. There is some verifiable data that backs up this piece of conventional wisdom. An analysis of investment opportunities available to you as of today clearly shows a correlation between the potential return one can earn […]

Why SiriusXM Stock Is A Stock To Hold Long Term
When the concept of satellite radio came about, many people scoffed at the idea. Why pay for something you get 100% for free? I was one of these people. Why would I spend my money on a subscription to SiriusXM (NASDAQ: SIRI)? Well, one day I decided to take the plunge, just to see what it […]

The “New NAFTA” Isn’t The Holy Grail Of Trade
Well, this is getting exciting! We just got an agreement this morning with Canada and Mexico to replace NAFTA, which has driven the markets higher. I thought the Trump-induced trade war with China would have resolved by now as well. At the beginning of the summer I forecast that the president would talk big, beat on a couple of […]

You Don’t Need To Spot The Next Amazing Trend In Order To Be A Successful Investor
Spending time looking over the habits, histories, and portfolios of many very successful investors, I’ve learned something fascinating. Many very successful and wealthy investors approach investing in a very systematic and simple manner. They’re not looking to jump on the next big trend as early as possible to see if it pans out. They instead […]

Top 4 Ways To Invest Like Warren Buffet
If there is one name from the world of investing that stands out above the rest, it is without a doubt Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett’s ability to pick winners year after year, in good markets and bad, has become legend, so much so that his name is even recognizable to people whose only investing experience […]