Tag: finances

How To Determine Your #1 Financial Goal For The Year
Setting goals for the new year can be exciting. A majority of the goals people set relate to either finances or fitness. When it comes to improving your finances, there are so many goals you can set. It can almost seem overwhelming. I’ll be the first to admit that goal overload is not worth it. […]

How To Gain Financial Independence For Yourself
What does financial independence mean to you? To most people, being financially independent means you can maintain your desired lifestyle without relying on a regular paycheck. Most people compare it to retirement but you can be financially free and still work and keep busy although you’ll just be doing it because you want to and […]

24 Simple Rules Of Personal Finance You Must Follow
Personal finance. Oh, personal finance. Why aren’t thou known to all? That is the question, isn’t it? There really should be no reason that we have to cross the internet searching for the answers to personal finance because we can’t figure it out. We should receive all the financial education we need on money matters […]