Penny Stock Tips

What Exactly Is A Penny Stock Pump and Dump?
Look, theres no denying that penny stocks can be extremely lucrative if you know what youre doing. Unfortunately, most individual investors dont have a clue how the game works. Ive seen it time and again. Theyll get some hot tip from a free email list. Theyll take ALL their money and buy this one stock […]

77% Of These Penny Stocks Are Undervalued!
Some of the smartest hedge fund guys I know are always looking for the biggest bang for their buck. That often means looking for deeply discounted and undervalued companies. But, finding undervalued companies is often easier said than done. So that brings up an interesting question How do you tell if a stock is undervalued? […]

Avoid These Penny Stocks Heading For Bankruptcy
You know, I like nothing better than to look back at a big winner in my account. Theres no better feeling than watching one of your small investments grow, and grow, and grow. The problem is you dont learn a lot. See, one of the ways to become a better penny stock trader is to […]

Three Reasons To Love Foreign Penny Stocks
Im often asked why I like penny stocks so much. Its an easy question to answer. Trading penny stocks is exciting, its challenging, and if you get it right, you can make a ton of money! Who doesnt love that kind of action? Now, one of the secrets to investing in penny stocks is to […]

Are P/E Ratios Important For Penny Stocks?
Have you ever baked a cake? Im sure you have. You go step by step, first adding flour, then sugar, then eggs and other ingredients. Its a process and you follow a recipe. If you start doing things out of order, you risk messing up the cake and thats never good. When you research penny […]

Are You Fishing For Stocks On the Bottom?
Just the other day I was talking with a friend about his summer plans. Fishing was at the top of his list. Now let me say this up front. I dont like fishing. Its slow and boring, and I just dont have the patience for it anymore. But it was a different story when I […]

Warning Dont Invest In These Chinese Stocks!
The global markets can provide incredible profit opportunities for investors. Whether its buying shares in high growth penny stocks or adding ETFs to your portfolio, the market is teeming with potential. But just because you see a stock or fund that looks like a winner, doesnt mean it really is. Im talking about great stories, […]

The Numbers Dont Always Matter
One of the most popular methods for analyzing stocks is fundamental analysis. In a nutshell, fundamental analysis is evaluating a company by financial, economic, and other quantitative and qualitative factors. Of course, Im a fundamental analyst myself. Its how I make all my stock picking decisions. And it means I spend a lot of time […]