Tag: small-cap space

What Will Surprise Small-Cap Investors In 2018?
From the economy to the Fed and rising interest rates, four small-cap specialists reveal what surprises they think 2018 might have for investors. Francis Gannon: The Economy Does Better than People Anticipate Two things I think are going to surprise investors. One is the economy does much better than people anticipate. There seems to be […]

How Could Small-Caps Surprise?
Co-CIO Francis Gannon discusses key topics for small-cap investors, including earnings strength, valuations, and the prospects for increased volatility. What is the current state of small-cap stocks? So it’s been a very interesting, I think, first half year in the small-cap market. We’ve seen various highs in the market. We’ve seen pullbacks in the market. The biggest […]

Why You Should Consider Global Small Caps
Because the American equity markets have enjoyed an abnormally long period, – historically speaking, – of relative outperformance versus the rest of the global marketplace, a common plea among financial advisors and writers has been for investors to maintain discipline and continue to invest abroad. This, of course, makes sense; after all, a good portion […]

3 Dramatic Reversals In The Small-Cap Market
Co-CIO Francis Gannon discusses the dramatic reversals in the small-cap asset class and how they could impact 2017. The small-cap market saw three major reversals last year, in what was a very dramatic year within the small-cap asset class. We had the completion of a bear market in February, the lows of the market in […]