Tag: small-cap investors

What Will Surprise Small-Cap Investors In 2018?
From the economy to the Fed and rising interest rates, four small-cap specialists reveal what surprises they think 2018 might have for investors. Francis Gannon: The Economy Does Better than People Anticipate Two things I think are going to surprise investors. One is the economy does much better than people anticipate. There seems to be […]

Will Tax Cuts Yield A Small-Cap Windfall?
Congress is getting down to tax reform, and at first blush, smaller companies seem poised for a windfall. But tax cuts shouldn’t anchor a broad-brush investing strategy. Instead, focus on individual company fundamentals—and the less obvious effects of the evolving legislation. Sentiment toward smaller stocks has been fickle. After last year’s elections, expectations that the Trump […]

How Could Small-Caps Surprise?
Co-CIO Francis Gannon discusses key topics for small-cap investors, including earnings strength, valuations, and the prospects for increased volatility. What is the current state of small-cap stocks? So it’s been a very interesting, I think, first half year in the small-cap market. We’ve seen various highs in the market. We’ve seen pullbacks in the market. The biggest […]