Tag: crypto

The Best Five Cryptos To Own In A Volatile Market
Cryptocurrency investors function using a completely different set of rules than Wall Street does. There’s no opening bell to tell us when we can and can’t trade. We don’t take holidays. We don’t settle for meager gains. And we don’t scare easily. Unfortunately, because there’s some overlap between traditional investors and crypto investors, the crypto […]

Harvest Finance Coin Price Prediction: 4,760% Upside Potential
Crypto investors are always trying to find the “next Bitcoin.” And the Harvest Finance coin could be that. This is one you don’t want to ignore. Some analysts are giving Harvest Finance (FARM) Bitcoin-like projection – as high as 4,760% over the next decade. Let’s take a look at how Harvest Finance is constantly creating […]

Is This Coin Worth Buying? How To Evaluate Cryptocurrency
You’re here for answers on cryptocurrency, and we’re going to get there fast, but first, I’ve got a crypto question for you – just a little food for thought… Could you explain your cryptocurrency investments to your grandmother? If the answer’s yes, then you know you’ve probably got a worthwhile coin in your portfolio. On […]

Why SQUID Coin Crashed By 99.9% Overnight
The SQUID coin might be the fastest rug pull in crypto history. Squid Game (SQUID) coin became a hot commodity immediately, climbing all the way up to $2,861. Yesterday it plummeted to $0. This follows a trend in crypto investing where the value spikes in reaction to hypes. It’s not a sustainable way to invest. […]

Trump’s Comments On Crypto And What This Means: Commentary
As you might have seen on Twitter yesterday evening – or read in social media wrap-ups this morning – President Donald Trump gave his first decree on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. If you haven’t seen his thread of Tweets, we’ll cut to the punchline: He’s not in favor. Kyle Asman, partner and co-founder of BX3 Capital, a business advisory […]

Bitcoin’s Surge Proves It’s A Bad Currency
If you went to the store two days in a row and all the prices had gone down by 20% on the second day, would you wonder what was going on? What if prices jumped 10% one day, then fell 7% the next? What if, over the course of a year, prices skyrocketed by 400%? […]

The Unexpected Opportunity Outside Of Stocks!
I just gave my second keynote for a major, top-secret crypto conference. It was SO secret, the organizer didn’t disclose the location on the website and only let us know where to travel to at the last minute. These techno visionaries want a bottoms-up world like me, but with total transparency and total privacy! And […]

3 Marijuana Cryptos To Grow Your Green
‘Botanical’ crypto assets have the double benefit of legalization and blockchain enthusiasm The general election of 2016 wasn’t just famous (or infamous) because of President Donald Trump. Amid the uproar, individual states voted in record numbers for marijuana legalization to varying degrees. Subsequently, “herbal investments” have skyrocketed in popularity. But if you’re thinking about “going […]