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8 Companies That Could Disappear By 2019
One way or another, something’s got to give for these organizations — and soon Even with the market pullback earlier this month, stocks have rarely been more fun to own. Between the energy sector’s turnaround, a major infrastructure spending plan and the upside of sweeping tax cuts for businesses, it feels like nobody can lose. […]

Investors Guide To Surviving Volatility In The Stock Market
It’s back!!! After well over a year of a smooth ride in the stock market, volatility is back with a vengeance. Even on days where the market closes down a few points, a closer look shows that the market swung wildly throughout the day and covered many hundred, if not thousand of points. To be […]

Tech’s “Silent Partner” Poised To Outperform Apple, Facebook, and Google. Here’s Why
What a week for technology stocks. It’s not often you get powerhouses like Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN), Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG), Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT), and Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) all reporting their quarterly earnings in the same week… but that’s exactly what’s happening this week. Given that “technology stocks have been at the forefront of equity market gains and are pivotal […]

3 Marijuana Cryptos To Grow Your Green
‘Botanical’ crypto assets have the double benefit of legalization and blockchain enthusiasm The general election of 2016 wasn’t just famous (or infamous) because of President Donald Trump. Amid the uproar, individual states voted in record numbers for marijuana legalization to varying degrees. Subsequently, “herbal investments” have skyrocketed in popularity. But if you’re thinking about “going […]

Irrational Exuberance: How To Cash In When Others Are Losing Money
Greed and fear rule the market. For individual investors, the majority base their investing decisions on these two emotions and as a result, end up losing money more often then make money. You might even be guilty of this as well. But I am here to tell you how you can profit off of irrational […]

What Will Surprise Small-Cap Investors In 2018?
From the economy to the Fed and rising interest rates, four small-cap specialists reveal what surprises they think 2018 might have for investors. Francis Gannon: The Economy Does Better than People Anticipate Two things I think are going to surprise investors. One is the economy does much better than people anticipate. There seems to be […]

3 Stocks To Sell Under Trump’s New Tax Law
It seems like most U.S. financial media cannot quit gushing about the new tax laws. The coverage is universally positive – I’m waiting to hear that the tax cut will cure the common cold. However, the media ignores the fact that some companies will end up paying higher tax bills. All thanks to the provision […]

What To Expect For Tech In 2018?
What will be the big tech trends this year? Check our top 7 list! 1. Machines without a driver go to a new level 1.2 million people die in car accidents every year – and we can be rescued by autonomous vehicles that do not require a driver. Of course, the optimism about the fact that all […]

4 Bitcoin Alternatives That You Need For 2018
Forget bitcoin. If you want superior returns, you have to check out these altcoins to buy in the new year! Whether you appreciate cryptocurrencies or think it’s a scam, you’ve undoubtedly heard of bitcoin. Even Mad Money‘s Jim Cramer rails on about the digital token, though obviously not in a pleasant way. Perhaps he feels that […]