Breaking News

Investors Guide To Surviving Volatility In The Stock Market
It’s back!!! After well over a year of a smooth ride in the stock market, volatility is back with a vengeance. Even on days where the market closes down a few points, a closer look shows that the market swung wildly throughout the day and covered many hundred, if not thousand of points. To be […]

What To Expect For Tech In 2018?
What will be the big tech trends this year? Check our top 7 list! 1. Machines without a driver go to a new level 1.2 million people die in car accidents every year – and we can be rescued by autonomous vehicles that do not require a driver. Of course, the optimism about the fact that all […]

Sessions Rescinds The Cole Memo: Is The Legal Cannabis Industry Worried?
January 1st was an important day for the legal cannabis industry. That was when California became the largest state to allow the open sale of recreational marijuana. Industry observers spoke optimistically of how legal weed could add $5 billion to California’s economy. Just days later, Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to scrap the Cole Memo, […]

Meet The Special Interests Keeping Marijuana Criminalized
In this era of political polarization, when Americans seem to agree on absolutely nothing, let me reassure you. We overwhelmingly agree that cannabis should be legal. 1 in 5 Americans have (state) legal access, 1 in 2 have experimented with it, and more than 1 in 10 smoke regularly. Southern California yuppies are publicly winning prizes for growing the same plant that landed Georgia […]

Markets Soar As Media Noise Goes By
That loud pitched noise is not a frightening scream from Halloween, but rather what you are likely hearing is the deafening noise coming from Washington D.C or cries from concerned Americans watching senseless acts of terrorism. Thanks to the explosion of real-time social media and smart phones, coupled with the divisive politics and depressing headlines […]

Seafloor Mineral Exploration: The New Gold Rush
Managing Editor’s Note: We’re just days away from the start of this year’s Irrational Economic Summit in Nashville. Mark Gordon, CEO and President of the marine exploration company Odyssey will be speaking on Friday, October 13, at 11:10 a.m. Today, we give you a sneak preview. Enjoy. By Mark Gordon, Odyssey CEO and President: In the […]

Passenger Drone Launches Two-Seater Electric Manned Aircraft
Passenger Drone, is proud to announce the launch of the world’s most advanced, state-of-the-art, autonomous manned aerial vehicle. Slightly larger than a small car, the industry leading, Passenger Drone has the potential to change the traditional means of commuter transportation. Utilizing its easy to use touch-screen, passengers simply select their destination, sit back and relax, […]

Here’s How You Can Invest In Cryptocurrencies
Assuming you want to.. how can you get involved investing in cryptocurrencies? In 2009, we witnessed the emergence of a first fully decentralized cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. Fast forward it to 2017 and people are investing in cryptocurrencies of over 900 types and 215 assets. In these eight years, the entire cryptocurrency market cap has gone […]

Dying Middle Class: The Number Of Americans That Can’t Afford Their Own Homes Has More Than Doubled
Have you lost your spot in the middle class yet? For years, I have been documenting all of the numbers that show that the middle class in America has been steadily shrinking, and we just got another one. According to a report that was produced by researchers at Harvard University, the number of Americans that spend […]

“This Market Is Absolutely 100% Going To Crash”, You Sure About That?
Him: “This market is absolutely 100% gonna crash.” Me: “You sound so certain?” Him: “Just look at the valuations.” Me: “Pricey valuations don’t always culminate in a market crash. There are other factors to consider.” Him: “Trump trade is over, and I’m now 50% hedged on US exposure and net long EMs. Plus, the dollar is finished. […]