Jason Fieber
Founder and publisher of Mr. Free At 33. Founder of Dividend Mantra. Author of best-selling The Dividend Mantra Way. I became financially free at 33 years old through a combination of hard work, frugal living, strategic entrepreneurship, intelligent investing, patience, persistence, and perseverance. I'm sharing my perspective on what life is like being financially independent at such a young age in order to inspire others looking for a similar lifestyle. I'm in pursuit of happiness, and I believe that being financially free is vital toward that end. I hope that by trying to become a better version of myself every single day, I help you become a better version of you. I write about how financial independence, frugalism, dividend growth investing, passions, and minimalism all holistically work together to improve happiness from a personal perspective in real-time.
Jason Fieber's Latest Posts

Saving And Investing Just One Dollar Per Day
Can saving and investing just $1 per day add up to significant wealth? Yes. Yes, it can. Look, I saved and invested well over 50% of my net income for six years straight so that I could achieve financial freedom and retire in my early 30s. It’s been an amazing journey. Now that I’m living […]

You Don’t Need To Spot The Next Amazing Trend In Order To Be A Successful Investor
Spending time looking over the habits, histories, and portfolios of many very successful investors, I’ve learned something fascinating. Many very successful and wealthy investors approach investing in a very systematic and simple manner. They’re not looking to jump on the next big trend as early as possible to see if it pans out. They instead […]