Ian Cooper
Over the last 20 years, he’s taught thousands of investors how to trade news flow and herd mentality using a unique blend of technical and fundamental analysis. He was among the few analysts to spot the financial crisis of 2008, the top of subprime and Alt-A, the death of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and New Century Financial, and even the Dow’s collapse to 6,500, as well as its recovery. He even called for gold to rally well above $1.500 when it traded under $600. He's a firm believer that hard work and thorough research will lead to investment success.
Ian Cooper's Latest Posts

Zynga Named Best Idea For 2020
Over the last trading session, shares of Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) closed at $6.12, a 0.3% decline over the previous session. As of today, the Farmville creator is up 66% from a low of $3.68 in January 2019. That’s more than double the 31% gain on the Consumer Discretionary Selector SPDR Fund (XLY), and the S&P 500 […]